Creamy Lemon and Thyme Pasta

This is another healthy meal that you can add anything to. It’s a great one to make towards the end of the week where there are things in the fridge that need eating up. No food waste here! Any vegetables would be perfect and chicken would go well.

Serves: 3-4

Time: 30 minutes




1 small onion

2 garlic cloves

2 teaspoons dried thyme

1 teaspoon dried basil

5 mushrooms

½ courgette, or 1 small one

2 big handfuls of both kale and spinach

Artichoke hearts (as many as you like), chopped

200g pasta (I used a combination of brown rice pasta and red lentil pasta)

200ml reserved pasta water


1 cup cashews (depending on the strength of your blender, you may want to soak the cashews for a few hours before. I have a Nutribullet and find I can skip this step)

½ cup water

1 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast (or as much parmesan as you want)

Juice and zest of half a lemon

100 ml milk (I used oat)

2 tablespoons of oil from some sundried tomatoes I could with recently. This is an additional step but it does add some yummy flavours. I always recommend keeping the oil from sun-dried tomatoes!



1.       Add some oil and salt to pan, allow to heat and add chopped onion, along with dried herbs. Once this has started to soften (about five minutes) add the chopped garlic, sliced mushroom and courgette.

2.       While this is cooking, add all of the sauce ingredients to the blender and blend.

3.       Cook pasta according to packing instructions. When draining, reserve about 200ml of the liquid.

4.       Add kale, spinach and artichoke hearts. Wilt the spinach before stirring through the sauce and allow to heat through for a couple of minutes.

5.       Depending on how runny you like the sauce, start to add in the pasta water. Once you have the desired consistency, add the pasta.

6.       I like to sprinkle on sunflower, pumpkin and chia seeds on top for a delicious extra crunch!