General health coaching PROGRAMMES

disordered and emotional eating PROGRAMME

  • Three 1-1 coaching sessions per month.

  • A deep dive into your story and habits.

  • A work through of your emotional patterns and current coping mechanisms.

  • Discussions on skills that can be used to help you implement changes and keep you focussed on your health goals.

  • Unlimited contact between sessions on WhatsApp, phone or email.

  • Course documents and worksheets to keep you on track between sessions and work through emotions as they arise. These will contain practical skills that can be used at any time.

  • Free access to yoga sessions and health workshops over the six months.

  • 50% off any extra 1-1 coaching sessions over the six months and any top up sessions for the six months following the programme.

  • And much more! 

  • This programme in £1350, but payments plans can be offered.

  • Initial consultations are FREE. Please fill out the below form and we will get back to you!


  • A 1-1 hour coaching session every other week. 

  • Goal setting and clarifying.

  • Email contact and support between sessions.

  • Course documents and worksheets to keep you on track between sessions.

  • Discussions on skills that can be used to help you implement changes and keep you focussed on your health goals.

  • Nutritional advice and recipes.

  • Free access to yoga sessions and health workshops over the six months.

  • 50% off any extra 1-1 coaching sessions over the six months and any top-up sessions for the six months following the programme.

  • And much more!

  • This programme in £1200, but payments plans can be offered.

  • Initial consultations are FREE. Please fill out the below form and we will get back to you!

general health coaching ad hoc sessions

I also offer ad-hoc sessions. These can be whenever and as frequently/infrequently you want. I will still provide email support between sessions, course documents and worksheets to keep you on track between sessions.

Ad hoc sessions are £120 per hour session.

Initial consultations are FREE. Please fill out the below form and we will get back to you!

If you are interested in our programmes but the cost is prohibitive, please reach out and we can discuss what may work for you.

Disordered and Emotional Eating Programme

For disordered and emotional eating, I only offer a six-month programme. This is because disordered and emotional eating has a much deeper origin and I want to be able to support you over a longer period to work through the emotional routes and their impact on your eating habits. Often these issues are more deeply embedded and take more time to work through.

Please note that, before I can start working with you, I will need to discuss with you the extent of your disordered eating. If you have previously struggled with an eating disorder, this will also need to be discussed.

Initial consultations are FREE. Please fill out the below form and we will get back to you!

If you are interested in this programme and think it would help you heal your relationship with food, but the cost is prohibitive, please reach out and we can discuss what may work for you.