Millionaire's Shortbread

When I switched to a healthier diet, millionaire’s shortbread was one of the things I grieved. Those buckets you could buy from Waitrose were a go to treat for me, and the ‘caramel slices’ from my local coffee shop were gooey heaven. I actually never attempted to make these before I improved my diet but, after some experimenting, I don’t think I would be too remiss to say these are three layers of delectableness. Although there are three layers, it’s super simple to make with each layer only having a few steps. The most difficult part is waiting for each layer to cool before demolishing them…



50g ground almonds

50g coconut flour

100ml melted coconut oil

55ml maple syrup

Caramel Layer

4 tablespoons coconut oil

4 tablespoons maple syrup

4 tablespoons coconut sugar

3 tablespoons almond butter

Generous amount of sea salt

Chocolate Layer

80g dark chocolate (I used 75% cocoa as if the chocolate is too dark is can swamp the other flavours)

1 tablespoon coconut oil




1.       Preheat the oven to 180°.

2.       Line 9x6 baking pan with greaseproof paper.

3.       Combine all base ingredients in a bowl and stir. I like to use a fork for this to ensure all the lumps are removed.

4.       Press down into the baking tin, ensuring it reaches all four corners.

5.       Bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

6.       Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

Caramel Layer

1.       Combine all caramel ingredients in a pan on a medium heat.

2.       Stir non-stop until well mixed. Don’t let it boil as it splits the ingredients.

3.       Pour over the base layer. I like to add an extra sprinkling of sea salt on top.

4.       Place in fridge until completely solid.

Chocolate Layer

1.       Place chocolate and coconut oil in a microwave-proof jug and melt in thirty second intervals, stirring between each, until smooth.

2.       Pour over caramel layer and place in fridge until solid.

3.       Once solid, cut into bite-size pieces and enjoy! 

These can be stored in the fridge for up-to three weeks, but if your family are anything like mine they will not last that long.