Slow-roasted Tomatoes

During the summer I generally enjoy lighter meals with oodles of colour. This means that mouth watering flavours take centre stage. This is a super simple recipe, easy to make and absolutely delicious. They go with so many things: pasta, salads and as a side for a BBQ. Makes this recipe one of your summer staples.

Serves: 6

Time: 40-70 minutes, depending on how long you choose to roast the tomatoes.



10-12 vine tomatoes

2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and balsamic vinegar

A generous amount of salt and pepper



1.       Pre-heat the oven to 150°c.

2.       Halve the tomatoes and place them, seed side up, on a baking tray covered by grease proof paper.

3.       Combine the olive oil and balsamic vinegar and whisk together. Pour over the tomatoes.

4.       Add salt and pepper to taste.

5.       Place in the oven and bake from anywhere between half an hour and an hour. I like to bake them for the full hour as they gain more of a sun-dried texture.

This is the base recipe but these are a great vehicle for all sorts of flavours: thyme, oregano, basil, rosemary…; the world is your oyster!!