Sweetcorn Fritters with Tomatoes and Beans

This is a great as a breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s super filling, full of wonderful flavours and actually really simple to make. I like to serve mine with an avocado on the side, but some sour cream, a poached egg or some chicken would also go really well. This is also one that keeps well in the fridge and can be eaten as leftovers throughout the week.


Serving: make 8-10 fritters, depending on the size of each fritter

Timing: about 30 minutes




2 eggs

250ml milk

120g polenta

100g plain or buckwheat flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 teaspoons smoked paprika 

1 teaspoon salt

198g tin of sweetcorn

Handful of fresh coriander

Pepper to taste



2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

½ teaspoon onion granules

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

½ teaspoon ground cumin

10-12 small vine tomatoes 

1 tablespoon tomato puree

150ml milk

1 can beans (I use black beans but pinto or haricot beans would also be super yummy)

Juice of ½ lime

Handful of spinach



For the Fritters

1.     Beat the eggs and the milk together in a jug.

2.     Combined the rest of the ingredients in a bowl and stir to remove all lumps in the flour and spices.

3.     Pour over the milk and egg mixture and whisk until well combined.

4.     Heat a tablespoon of ghee, butter or coconut oil in a large frying pan. Pour in about half a ladle of batter per fritter. This gives them a nice thickness and keeps them fluffy, but feel free to add more or less at a time. Flip each fritter over once it’s nice and brown on one side.

5.     Keep warm until ready to serve.


For the Beans

1.     Add a teaspoon of ghee, butter or coconut oil to the pan on a medium heat and allow to melt. Add the garlic and cook for a couple of minutes until it starts to brown (be careful not to burn it).

2.     Add the spices and the salt and stir with the garlic. Cut the tomatoes into eighths and add to the pan, along with the tomato puree. Cook for a couple of minutes.

3.     Once the tomatoes start to break down and release their juices, add in the milk and the beans. Turn the heat down and cook for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally. The source should be fairly thick but feel free to add more milk if you prefer the beans to be runnier.

4.     Just before you’re ready to serves, squeeze in the lime juice and stir through the spinach until it wilts.


To Serve

Pile up as many fritters as you like and pour the beans over the top. I like to serve it with a few slices of avocado as well, because avocados are the best. Store the fritters and the beans separately and keep in the fridge for up to a week.