Maple and Pecan Granola

This is my favourite ever granola recipe. I consider it my staple and have it for breakfast every day, in some capacity or another: on top of porridge for an extra crunch, with some fruit and yoghurt or just a dry handful or two straight in the gob (yes, it’s that delicious).


Timing: 70 minutes, plus cooling time

Serves: makes about 1.3kg


Dry Ingredients

400g Pecans

200g Pumpkin Seeds

200g Sunflower Seeds

200g Porridge Oats

150g Flaked Almonds

150g Linseeds

Pinch of salt

Wet Ingredients

4 tbsp Coconut Oil

4 tbsp Maple Syrup



1.       Pre-heat the oven to 150° and line three large baking trays with greaseproof paper.

2.       Combine the dry ingredients into a very big mixing bowl.

3.       Melt the oil and the maple syrup in a saucepan and heat until it starts to bubble a little.

4.       Pour hot mixture slowly over the dry ingredients and mix really well

5.       Once the mixture is well coated, evenly divide between the baking trays and place in the oven.

6.       Check the mixtures every 20 minutes or so and give each tray a mix. I also like to swap the position of the trays in the oven to ensure even cooking.

7.       I usually allow them to cook for 1 hour, until the mixture is golden brown and evenly cooked.

8.       Allow to cool completely before storing in an air tight container for up to a month.