Christmassy Loaf Cake

This loaf cake is deliciously light on the inside and lovely and crispy on the outside. It is the first Christmassy food I’ve eaten this year and it’s given me all the yuletide feels. I hope it does the same for you!

Timing: 15 minutes preparation, 50-60 minutes cooking time (plus about 10 minutes cooling)


200g buckwheat or plain flour

100g ground almonds

200g coconut sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 tablespoon instant coffee

1 teaspoon mixed spice

2 teaspoons ground ginger

Pinch of salt

75g raisins

75g mixed peel

60g coconut oil

350ml oat milk

1 tablespoon blackstrap molasses



1.       Pre-heat the oven to 160°.

2.       Mix the buckwheat or plain flour, ground almonds, coconut sugar, baking powder, coffee, mixed spice, ground ginger and salt in a mixing bowl. Ensure all the lumps are removed (I find mixing with a fork is best for getting rid of lumps).

3.       Add in the raisins and mixed peel and mix again.

4.       Melt the coconut oil and add to the mixture along with the oat milk and molasses.

5.       I like to use an electric whisk at this point to make sure everything is well mixed.

6.       Grease a loaf tin (or line with greaseproof paper) and pour in the mixture. Smooth over the top and put into the pre-heated oven.

7.       Cook for 50-60 minutes or until a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean.

8.       Leave to cool in the loaf tin for about 10-15 minutes before turning out onto a cooling rack.

9.       This is delicious warm but don’t slice it when it’s too hot.