Chia and Cherry Breakfast Loaf with Berry Jam

This is a really simple loaf recipe that makes a great breakfast . Make it at the weekend and you’re all set for the week. It also makes a great snack/dessert/accompaniment to a hot beverage. I love serving it with this jam and some almond butter on top. Feel free to change up the berries in both the loaf and the jam; you can’t go wrong!

Servings: about 10 slices

Timing: 1hr15, plus cooling time



150g ground almonds

100g plain flour/buckwheat flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 tablespoon chia seeds

Pinch of salt

100g frozen berries

150g coconut sugar

2 eggs

2 tablespoons almond butter

150ml milk


Berry Jam

300g frozen berries (I use a mix of cherries and raspberries)

1 tablespoon either maple syrup/coconut sugar

Splash of cold water

2 tablespoons chia seeds




1.     Preheat the oven to 160°c and line a loaf tin, roughly 23x13x6cm in size.

2.     Combine the ground almonds, flour, baking powder, chia seeds and salt in a bowl and mix until there are no lumps. Once smooth, stir in the frozen cherries so they are all covered in the dry mixture.

3.     In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and the coconut sugar for a few minutes until the mix becomes thick and batter-like. Once thick, add in the milk and almond butter and whisk for another minute or so until it’s completely smooth.

4.     Fold the dry mix into the egg mixture nice and slowly until there are no pockets of flour.

5.     Poor into the greased loaf tin and cook for 50-60 minutes. You’ll know it’s cooked when a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Store in an airtight container for up to a week.


Berry Jam

1.     Put the berries, sugar and water into a pan on a medium heat. Allow the berries to cook slowly, stirring often. They should really start to break down and release their juices. Once they start to bubble, turn the heat down quite low.

2.     After about 15 minutes, they should be nice and juicy. If they’re not quite as broken down as you would like, mash them a little with the back of a spoon or a masher.

3.     Stir in the chia seeds and cook for another 10 minutes until the jam gets nice and thick.

4.     Take off the heat and allow to cool. As it cools the chia seeds will thicken the jam even more. Store in a airtight jar and keep in the fridge for up to two weeks.