Carrot Cake Cookies

These have the delicious flavour of a carrot cake in cookie form. Lovely and soft, super easy and vegan.

Yield: about 12

Timing: 20 minutes prep, (optional 30 minutes in the fridge), 15-18 minutes cooking, 10 minutes cooling.


1 tablespoon of chia seeds mixed with 4 tablespoons cold water (or 1 egg if not vegan)

100g grated carrot

150g brown rice flour

100g ground almonds

Pinch of salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon mixed spice

100g raisins/sultanas

100g coconut sugar

75g coconut oil, melted

2 tablespoons maple syrup

150ml milk (I use oat milk)



1.       Pre-heat the oven to 180°c.

2.       Grate the carrot and leave to one side.

3.       Mix the chia seeds and the water in a small bowl and leave to the side for about 10 minutes.

4.       Combine the ground almonds, brown rice flour, salt, baking powder, cinnamon, mixed spice and raisins/sultanas in a bowl and mix well with a fork to ensure all lumps are removed. Add in the grated carrot and stir again.

5.       In a separate bowl whisk together the melted coconut oil and coconut sugar. Whisk until the sugar is completely covered with the oil (it will be lumpy but that’s fine). Once combined, add the milk, maple syrup and chia seeds and whisk.

6.       Add the dry mixture to the wet mixture. Mix until there are no lumps and no pockets of flour.

7.       Place in the fridge for about half an hour (this step is optional but it will stop the cookies spreading out too much when they bake).

8.       Take about a tablespoon of mixture per cookie and put on a a baking tray covered with greaseproof. This recipe should yield about 12 cookies.

9.       Bake in the oven for 15-18 minutes. When the cookies are done they should still be a bit soft but nice and brown on top.

10.   Allow to cool on the baking tray for about 10 minutes before putting onto a cooling rack.