Vegan Lime Pancakes

This may sound a little odd, but the lime makes these pancakes zingy and refreshing while keeping them lovely and fluffy. Also, the lime pairs really well with lots of toppings: I recommend combining it with berries and yoghurt as in the picture, but I’ve also had it with banana, a sprinkling of shredded coconut and yoghurt. Both were delicious so have fun exploring flavours. You can also substitute a beaten egg for the flax/chia mix if you’re not vegan.


Serves: about 10-12 pancakes

Timing: 30 minutes-1 hour (this depends on how long you leave the batter to thicken and how many pancakes you cook at one time)


1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds/chia seeds (or one egg)

3 tablespoons cold water

100g yoghurt (I use soy)

Juice of 3 limes

Zest of 1 lime

120g ground almonds

100g buckwheat or plain flour (you can also use self-raising if you really want to go all out on the fluffiness!)

75g coconut sugar (or brown sugar/maple syrup)

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 

Pinch of salt

1 tablespoon almond butter

300ml milk (I use oat)



1.     Combine the flaxseed/chia seeds and cold water and set to the side for about ten minutes. This is in place of an egg so you can skip this step if you’re not vegan.

2.     Squeeze the lime juice into the yoghurt. Mix thoroughly and set aside. 

3.     In a mixing bowl, combine the lime zest, ground almonds, your choice of flour, sugar, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and salt. Mix well until the dry ingredients are free of lumps. (If you’re using maple syrup, add this with the other liquids at step 4 instead of with the dry ingredients.)

4.     Add in the lime yoghurt, flax/chia mix (or beaten egg), almond butter and milk and stir again until completely smooth. Set to one side and leave for at least ten minutes so that the batter thickens up a little.

5.     In a pan, add a little ghee, coconut oil or butter and allow to melt. I start the pan on quite a high heat and then drop it to a lower heat after adding the first pancake. This means that they go nice and crispy on the outside but ensure they are cooked all the way through. 

6.     Add about half a ladle full of the batter at a time to the pan. Once they start to bubble on the top and the bottom is nice and golden, flip over and cook on the other side for 2-3 more minutes. The first couple will cook more quickly so keep an eye on them so they don’t burn. Also, feel free to add more ghee, coconut oil or butter if the pan gets a little sticky.

7.     Once all the batter is gone, build a stack as tall as you like and add your favourite toppings!