Why Creativity is Important for Wellbeing

Creativity is the unsung hero of brain health and wellbeing. Just as our taste buds crave variety, our brains thrive on the spice of creativity and I always recommend to my clients that they cultivate a little creativity in their lives.

Let’s break it down.

1. Neuro-Gymnastics: Engaging in creative activities is like a mental obstacle course. It challenges your brain to think beyond the ordinary. This strengthens neural pathways, which is the brain's version of hitting the gym.


2. Stress Buster: Creativity is the ultimate stress reliever. When you're immersed in painting, dancing, or even solving a cryptic crossword, your brain forgets about everyday worries. It's like a mini-vacation for your mind.


3. Mood Elevator: Just like that endorphin rush after a good laugh, creating something new releases a flood of dopamine, the happiness hormone. It's your brain's way of saying, "I like this, let's do more!"

4. Mindfulness in Disguise: Being creative is like a sneaky form of meditation. It forces you to be present, focusing on the task at hand, silencing the chatter in your mind. Creativity can also give you something that is your own. It can provide a sort of refuge that you can return to and provide you with a sense of identity.

5. Age Gracefully: The more you flex your creative muscles, the better your brain ages. Studies suggest that creative activities can help prevent cognitive decline in later years. Being creative can also lead to us learning new skills which is an incredible way to protect the brain and retain its neuroplasticity.


6. Unshackling Beliefs: In your journey to help people transform their health, creativity can be a game-changer. It's a powerful tool to help individuals break free from limiting beliefs about their health and rewrite their stories. It can help us see beyond the status quo and reframe our experiences.


Remember, creativity isn't about being the next Picasso or Shakespeare. It's about expressing yourself, exploring the unconventional, and giving your brain the delightful workout it craves. So, embrace your inner artist, dancer, or writer—it's the recipe for a healthier, happier brain.