Book Clubs
Our books clubs
I believe book clubs are a way of cultivating the happiness people find through reading. It is a community to share experiences and build friendships through the revealing nature of discussions around our reading experiences. Whether these clubs maintain civilised discussions of book, generate passionate arguments with lots of gesticulating or devolve into raucous cocktail fueled evenings, happiness is harvested and joy is discovered. Through book reviews, potential structures and questions for book clubs, food and drink recipe ideas for hosting book clubs, mechanisms to help you find a book clubs, ways of uploading pictures of your books club, I hope that I can create a community where friendships are found, a weekly dedication to fun is generated and the healing of reading is unleashed.
Book Reviews
Book reviews will be posted regualrly on a vast range of books. From fiction to non-fiction, murder mysteries to Victorian fiction, from Atwood to Zusak, from England to Russia and everything in between, we will cover it. Our reviews will always be an honest review of our experience of the book and every review will have questions and suggestions of themes to fuel discussions at book clubs. Links to themed recipes? We hope you enjoy them.
Book club communities
As I said, I hope to create a community and network of book lovers and book clubs. We therefore would love for you to interact with us through sending us pictures, letting us know whether you enjoyed the book and generally letting us know how the book club found that particular book. If you would like us to review a particular book or indeed would like to post a review please let us know. As I said, this a community and the more the merrier!